Girls Development

Our Girls Hockey Development Clinic is a great way to try hockey in a safe and fun environment. The program is developed for girls ages 5 -12 who have successfully completed at least one learn to skate program and are new to the game of hockey. Our experienced girls hockey coaches use USA Hockey’s American Development Model to teach hockey fundamentals through fun drills, games, and scrimmages.
In order to complete registration, you will need a 2024-2025 USA Hockey Number. This can be done during registration as there is a link to USA Hockey Registration. To prevent any delay during Registration you can click on USA Hockey Logo to get registered.
NOTE: USA Hockey Registration fees vary by age. Click for Membership Info
2024 - 2025 Clinics
Saturdays 12:00 - 12:50pm
Sundays 10:30 - 11:20am
Girls Clinics I (8 weeks)
November 2nd - December 21st
Girls Clinic II (8 weeks)
December 28th - February 15th
Girls Clinic III (4 weeks)
March 3rd - March 30th
Horgan Ice Skating Arena- Auburn
$180/Player for 8 week sessions
$90/Player for 4 week sessions
Recommended for ages 5 -12
Successfully completed at least one learn to skate program
Equipment Needs
Full Hockey Equipment
- Skates
- Neckguard
- Helmet with Face Shield
- Elbow and Shin Pads
- Chest Protector
- Hockey Pants
- Hockey Gloves
- Stick
Jerseys are provided
Extra Costs
USA Hockey Registrations
Girls Clinics I (8 weeks) - Registration CLOSED
Girls Clinic II (8 weeks) Registration CLOSED
Girls Clinic III (4 weeks) Registration CLOSED
Contact Development Director at